The Story

Crystal City by Sejbyl

I have a great story to tell you. This is a story of a people, a civilization. This is the story of the Danu Talis.

Thousands of years ago, existed the most beautiful, most technollogically, and most spiritually advanced civilization within the Milky Way galaxy. Cascading crystalline architecture, mesmerizing illuminescent surroundings, and never-ending resources were prominent in their society. The Crystal City, as many would call it, was full of light, life, and advanced knowledge surrounding crystal technology. Manipulating, changing, and expanding the crystal energy harvested within the city’s core allowed the citizens to flourish under it’s abundant uses. Unfathomable amounts of energy was available for everyone because it was given and shared by every member of Danu Talis through inner love and intention. Governed by the prevalents of feminine energy and instincts, the Danu Talis were masters of intution and emotion. They believed in equality between all sexes, and lived within the belief that nothing is more important than the community. Interdependance and collectivism was prominent within society, with problems and issues seen as ‘our issues’ rather than ‘your issues’. Marrige, love, and unionism was based on growth and experience. Divorce and seperation were seen as possible, and positive, outcomes to life. Mutual cooperation and understanding between both parties resulted in positive endings rather than harsh arguements. Anxiety, depression, anger, and fear were emotions not focused or even experienced within society. Every action was taken with the thought of communal evolution. No matter the situation or circumstance, an experience was simply an experience beneficial and positive for the entire spiritual collective consciousness of the community. There was no negativity, but simply caring, compassion, and love.

Past recollections and story-telling were a common source of entertainement for the parties, as well as a way to connect with family and friends. Stories of love, trust, abundance, excitement, and joy were passed on from one generation to the next. The stories and histories were accessible to anyone, and everything within the Crystal City. Technological advances allowed memory and data to be storied throughout the crystal foundations surrounding every household. The data was shared, transmuted, and inscripted simply through touch and intention. Everything was stored within the collective consciousness of the city, because everyone was equal, no one deserved more or less than anyone.

As the decades of abundance went by, and the people experienced and grew through the Golden Ages, the scientific advances and progressions began to misalign with the civilizations spiritual aptitudes. Technology was moved faster than the people’s spiritual selves and intuitions were able to keep up with. Previous scientific research and studies that aimed to improve civilization, began to take a careless turn. Once beneficial experiments to enhance the human race through the use of mutations, began to create new species that were half human half animal. These beings went by the names of centaur, satyr, harpy, mermaid, sphinx, and valkyrie. The new species, much to the scientists surprise, did not abide and follow the feminine energies as did the Danu Talis. These creatures were more aggressive, more selfish, and individually oriented. Their intentions were not to care for the growth of anyone else, but focus all their energy for their own personal benefit. The new species began telling the scientists of a new type of story, a new type of motivation for existance. Fascinated by the creatures point of views, the scientists egos grew as they listened to the control, power, and abundance they could gain by following more individual motivations.

A story has been heard. An idea has been told. Once the new creatures told their story of what could be, it could not be taken back. The idea was there, it lingered and grew within the scientists minds, haunting and taunting them at every turn. They could not unthink it, they could not unhear it. They wanted it.

As the new species began to preach their stories of dominance, self-sustainability, and independance from the collective consciousness, the people of Danu Talis became confused. The spiritual prophets of the Crystal City warned the scientists of the potential consequences of their creations and continuance. The divergence between the technological and spiritual aspects of society began to destroy the harmony between the two balances. The Crystal City began to break, collapsing due to the incongruenty and inequality – the Scientists wanted sovereignty, they wanted control.

Battles, war, anger and destruction. The future of Danu Talis was clear. Wars arose as the Scientists thirsted for power, raging against the Crystal Spiritualists. Their spliced creations against the they raged against the once peaceful power of the crystals. The once cascading crystalline architecture and mesmerizing illuminescent structures were destroyed. The memories of love, happiness, and history of abundance within the crystal’s collective consciousness was destroyed. The feeling of community and unity was eradicated, leaving the surviving citizens unbrearingly alone, with no memories or stories but their own.

Because once a story or idea is heard, it can’t be taken back. It lingers, grows, and changes.


Well, that’s my story! I was quite surprised about how fun it was to take a concept from King and completely create your own story around it. I’ve noticed that I had a simple idea of what I wanted to say when I was telling the story to my brother. It was nothing like what I actually said. My initial story was dry, and almost a replica of King’s version. However, as I began talking I started making connections, inputting my own interests, and making assumptions. Quite a thrill! Thanks.


“Crystal City”. Deviant Art. Web. 24 Jan. 2014. “”.

“Valkyries”. Norse Mythology. Web. 24 Jan. 2014. “”

“Centaurs”. Thessalioi. Web. 24 Jan. 2014. “”







4 responses to “The Story

  1. catrites

    Wow!! This turned out really cool. I really enjoyed reading through your story, it was awesome!

  2. jrobichaud

    Anna, I love your story. It turned out amazing!

    I really related to “Divorce and separation were seen as possible, and positive outcomes to life.”
    I think one can look at this from not only a personal stand point but also a collective standpoint. In todays society, this is something that we should all strive for. We are such an individualistic society, and it is all about who is right and wrong, not what we can learn from a situation. It is unfortunate that we can not just look at a situation, such as a divorce, and said “Hey I made a mistake, how can I learn from this? How can I make sure that this mistake does not happen again?” Instead there is blame and anger. If we as a society looked within ourselves instead of blaming others, I feel that we would have more of a society which your story describes.

    In King’s story, as well as several of the stories in our class, it is an outside source that is blamed for the fall of society and how evil came into the world. I know in reflecting on my story and after reading yours, I feel that I should not blamed the story teller for bringing evil, but the people of the land for allowing evil to come into their world. They should have looked at the story, seen how they could have grown and learned from the stories and moved forward as a collective, not pointed the finger at the story teller. In this sense, evil was already in the world, it was just not unleashed yet.

    Knowing what we know today, we should look at stories like yours and King’s and learn from them. Look at ourselves and try to figure out what we can do to have more of a collective society. How can we repair the damage done? It does make you wonder, if we told these stories, but had a moral at the end like we see in Fairy Tales, as King said “What kind of a world might we have created with that kind of story?” (28)

    So my question to you, is if you were to create a moral at the end of your fantastic story for the readers, what would it be?

    • annabourak

      Thanks for reading my story!
      I think the moral of this story is that people should never rely on their situation or circumstance to completely dictate how they will react to a situation. In this sense, the situation is neutral. What dictates it’s impact (be it positive or negative) is completely due to one’s reaction.

  3. erikapaterson

    Hi Anna, what a remarkable story – so wonderfully visual and nicely layered with meaningfulness. An interesting note on your hyperlinks – I was far too engaged with your story to click them. But, immediately after reading your story, I googled Danu Talis. Then, I remembered your links, and opened them. Following your links certainly added another layer of meaningfulness to your story — in so much as the links affirmed your interest in mythology, broadenong my understandings of your inspirations: sweet. Thank you so much, Erika

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