Blog Commentary: Release of the iPhone 6 affects the Note 4 sales

Amongst the hectic crowds lining up outside malls and Apple Stores, Samsung’s Galaxy Note 4 has inconspicuously begun pre-sales as well. For those who do not follow tech outside of major news outlets, the Note 4 does not have a place in their minds. Although it has a 16-megapixel camera and a high definition screen, the hype of the iPhone has overshadowed its release. The poor timing of this situation leaves the early orders of the Note 4 down 40% than what it was at for its previous device.



What set the Samsung Galaxy Note series apart from the iPhone was its size; the large screen appealed to the vast Asian market. However, this year with the release of the iPhone 6 +, its lack of cult-following poses a serious risk to sales. Those who once purchased the Note 2 or Note 3 will now be more inclined to switch to the user-friendly iPhone, which allows functions such as iMessage and Facetime with a broader population. I myself have fallen into the so-called “iPhone 6 effect” and pre-ordered a device and gave up on my Samsung Galaxy. The truth is, the majority of my peers use the iPhone, which often leaves me outcasted in certain App Store only applications and left out on group iMessage conversations. The iPhone is simply more convenient. Although the mandatory single-platform was seemingly imposed at first, I have slowly but surely built up my repertoire of all Apple products, which in reality, facilitates all the functions it has to offer.




Little of those who use Samsung, or any Android, show brand loyalty, thus making customer retention an incredibly difficult task. Even Min-Jeong Lee, reporting from South Korea itself states that “the odds don’t look great for the Note,” despite its popularity in Korea in the past. Unfortunately, at this time, it seems that competing with Apple in the consumer market is an impossible feat.


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