The Importance of the Arc Initiative

United Nations, even with the necessary funding and resources, fail to deliver significant improvement to issues such as poverties in developing countries around the world. The Arc initiative, unlike conventional programs that revolve around providing resources and funding for developing countries, attempts to initiate business development and entrepreneurship in developing countries. This would in turn place the country in enhanced economical states while provide education to both the participating university students and the local community.

Feedbacks from students who have visited Rwanda and the local government suggest the encouragement to proceed with the Arc project. The local enterprises lack the knowledge to utilize their resources to their fullest efficiency. The Arc provides learning opportunities for the local entrepreneurs to effectively utilize their resources in order to enhance the economical well being of the country.

Photo via UBCnews

Rather than provide a finite number of donations, that would eventually be consumed and have the country development be constant, the Arc develops business and management skills locally and help the country initiate its financial development and independency. Instead of providing a temporary relief to a reoccurring crisis, the Arc attempts to deliver a solution to the issue itself and promote the betterment of social and economical states for the countries in need.



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