The Apple Store—The Window to Apple’s Success

Commentary on External Blog Post

In the technology industry, Apple is typically the first company that comes to mind. What makes the business so successful incorporates not only its compelling value proposition, but the mindset and inspiration behind the company. Steve Jobs’ philosophy challenges the mindset of a traditional CEO. His motivation behind the company was not to earn profits, but create innovative products that revolutionized the industry and redesign the retail experience for its customers.

Photo via Horizont

The business blog I came across, discusses the thinking behind Apple. It talks about Apple’s non-traditional approach of positioning itself in the mind of the consumers. Apple’s goal is to deliver personal assistance to its customer that enriches their experiences with their products. The company’s organizational structure is not driven towards an incentive based system. Its employees do not have to go to work everyday worrying about making enough commission or not meeting sales goals. Their purpose is not to sell the newest iPhone, because people buy them anyway, instead to assist anyone that needs help as long as they need it. Apple store employees are trained to approach and interact with customers in a manner that allow them to enjoy their experiences at the store.

Apple does not focus on marketing its products, since people buy their products regardless. Instead, they focus on building a loyal customer base. Apple specialists are there to make sure consumers get the most out of their products. This is where Apple’s differentiation strategy comes to play. It focuses on creating gains for its customers by enhancing the overall experience, by teaching them the basic skill sets to operate the system. It also alleviates any pain that the customer may experience when encountering a technical difficulty. These in turn, establishes brand loyalty. When the newest product hits the market, consumers would buy them without question.

The Apple store offers hands-on experiences with its newest products. The store itself is spacious, clean, poster-free, and wire-hidden. The store is designed to attract to anyone who walks by and appeal to anyone who walks in.

This blog post provides insight for entrepreneurs on how Apple, through its value proposition, entrepreneur vision and differentiation strategy came to be one of the most successful companies in the world.


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