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Archive for October, 2010

10:10:10, No Pressure!

Yesterday, I saw a friend liking a group on FaceBook named “I was alive on 10/10/10 10:10:10 a.m.” which reminded me of a short clip I watched just a week ago. What was it? Climate campaign 10:10 is a movement of people, schools, businesses, and organizations, aiming to cut their carbon by 10% in a […]

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Socialnomic World

It was not until I was in Grade 12 when I finally got convinced by a friend to create a Facebook account. Grade 12! I have developed an inclination to avoid trends, or recent fads, that people became overly enthusiastic about. It gave me the impression that these came with horrific consequences like addiction. But […]

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Simplicity wins

A look around the COMM 101 lecture room and one point we quickly notice would be the Mac laptop domination. On the bus, it’s the iPods, and in school computer labs, the Apple desktops. Some of us whom have once refused to “give in” to the trend that Apple have created, are now purchasing one […]

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