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Archive for November, 2010

In class 16, we have learned the importance of getting the product to the right place at the right time in the right amounts – ensuring efficient supply chain. In the fashion industry, fast-fashion retailers are those who acknowledge that designs transports from catwalk to their stores in the fastest time to capture current trends […]

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Green Bandwagon

Environmental concerns in recent years seem to have pushed corporations onto the “going green” bandwagon, and it certainly has been quite the buzz these days – we even talk about it in our business fundamentals class! It has been said that every trend or fat eventually fades away, but this seems to be an exception. […]

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Love for Chocolate

I remember when I used to tug on my mommy’s shirt and whine with annoyance for those delicious, colorfully sprinkled Purdy’s ice-cream. It was one of the things that made me hyped up about going to the mall. The lady serving us always had the smile that captivated your heart and gave you the warm […]

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