*Ring Ring*


Landlines vs. Cellphones

From what I gathered in the article, “Low wireless rates lure more Canadians into cutting cord on landline”, more and more Canadians are opting for wireless phone service only.  By 2016, studies show that one-third of Canadians will cut their landline phones and just have cellphones.

So why would people do that?

The article states that competition from the many phone companies have been driving wireless rates downward. I feel that as more and more people are always on the go, cell phones become more and more useful, since people can be in contact with others at all times. Furthermore, a cell phone offers more functions than a landline, such as data and apps. Cellphones also add benefits to people by offering convenience and greater privacy, unlike landlines where others can unintentionally eavesdrop on your phone call.

However, on the negative side of things, there is the controversy about cellphones and radiation. So, until the day when cellphones emit miniscule amounts of radiation even for long periods of talking, landlines will still be in existence.

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