You can be a Cinderella too! (or a Cinderfella)

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Relating back to class 20’s topic of social entrepreneurship, I immediately thought of a charity I read about last year.  This Vancouver-based charity, the “Cinderella Project” is an organization that is entirely run by volunteers and is funded through donations and sponsorships.  Its goal is to encourage youths to stay in school.  The Cinderella Project created a program called “Boutique Day” where it provides students from lower-income or less fortunate families with special event attires for their graduation.  Not only are these students given the opportunity to experience their graduation, but the Cinderella Project also helps boost their self-esteem, despite their financial background.

I believe the Cinderella Project is an excellent example of social entrepreneurship.  Although it is a local program, the motivation and concept behind its project is very meaningful.  It is stated in its website that “Nearly half of all Cinderellas and Cinderfellas are chronically ill or physically or developmentally disabled” (; hence, the project not only creates diversity, but it also provides youths with opportunities.

Click here to find out more about this amazing project.



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