Mobile Apps Overload?

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In relation back to the communications discussion in class eight about mobile apps, Dianne Buckner’s article, “Want to get noticed? Sadly, there’s no app for that” in CBC News explores the expanding idea of creative apps. Buckner cites Bruce Croxon from the television series “Dragon’s Den”, that the advantage of using apps is that “anybody can create” one; however, the disadvantage is also that “anybody can create an app” (CBC News).  Businesses are using apps as a promotion method. Since creating apps “no longer requires huge teams and a big investment” as Buckner paraphrases Croxon; this method to advertise is becoming increasingly popular. With already several hundred thousands apps, how do companies stand out? Buckner quotes apps entrepreneur Tamara Vulkusic that an app name has to represent what the app is. As technology advances, more companies rely on IT to market their products or services. Apps are convenient. They can easily be accessed through mobile smart phones. With this is mind, I believe creating an app no longer makes businesses unique, instead, creating an app is becoming a mandatory trend for businesses.

Original article can be found here: Dianne Buckner’s Apps article

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