Companies= Lies + Truths

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Priscilla Wito outlines a very interesting point in her post in her blog entry “BlackBerry Goes Black for 3 Days”.  She questions the creditability of companies when they release information about costs and expenses into the public.  This introduces the interesting question, why do companies lie?  Perhaps companies lie to maintain a reputable brand image?  Or perhaps companies lie to appear to be more consumer-friendly?

The reason why companies lie has also been a topic addressed in Jerry Schuitema’s economics blog.  Schuitema explains that a company may have mission statements that “reflect benevolent intent”, however, if “The company whose actions don’t bear out its statements of purpose is telling a lie” (

Both Priscilla Wito and Jerry Schuitema’s blogs similarly explore the ideas of companies’ reliability.  This makes me question if I, as a consumer, can trust the information companies publicizes into the media?  This also makes me curious to how many companies I make purchases from are lying?  I believe companies are very powerful and it is difficult for consumers to expose the truth.  For consumers, the question is no longer why companies lie; the real question is which companies can be trusted?

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