Response to Candice So’s blog “Secrets of a happy, satisfied workplace”


How to build a great company culture? For different companies, the definition is different. The example she provided is OpenDNS, which is a security company extending the Domain Name System (DNS) by protecting against phishing, providing content filtering. In the survey, employees feel satisfied by getting challenges personally every day and working without being micromanaged. For OpenDNS, it is good to challenge employees constantly because that is the way their technology and crisis dealing ability get improved. However, different companies’ culture can be slightly different even within same industry.


Another company I want to talk about is like a law office. A successful and positive company culture for a law office is totally different from Zappos’. For Zappos, it is very important to create comfortable and positive atmosphere in the office in order to build stronger customer connection. Oppositely, lawers should not be put into a too gentle condition which makes them lose fighting will; they need to be aggressive and incentive while working. Therefore, I think it is not fair to evaluate working condition by asking questions, since different job determines employee’s different function, and different function requires different working situation. For example, some jobs are simply follow orders, such as Army; yet some requires more freedom, like technology companies.


Work Cited

So, Candice. “Secrets of a Happy, Satisfied Workplace.” ITBusinessca. N.p., 9 Oct. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.


Response to “Social Consciousness Move of Starbucks” by Yulu Hua



In my last blog, I talked about corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship. Therefore, I decided to write response to Yulu Hua’s blog which mentioned Starbucks has been providing more opportunities and training for veterans, due to the high unemployment of them.


This is very admiring. On the one hand, Starbucks build a positive social responsible image, on the other hand, the company contribute to the society by decreasing unemployment of heroes. In fact, Starbucks is not the only company in the industry. Tim hortons, which isknown as its competitor, founded Tim Horton Children’s foundation, a non-profit, charitable organization. Another example is Costa Coffee, the biggest coffee chain company founded in Great Britain, started their Costa Foundation which focuses on providing coffee-growing farmers and their communities with long-term support, particularly with access to education. All the cases I mentioned is to demonstrate an idea—as people cares more about social value of a brand, and as transparency increases, building responsible social image become a point of parity of a company instead of a differentiation segment. To differentiate a company from all “social conscious” competitors, the company should seek a new strategy to create value instead of following what others has been doing.


Work Cited

Reynolds, John. “Coffee Chains Fall Short on Social Responsibility.” N.p., 6 Apr. 2010. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

“Good Together.” – Social Responsibility. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

“The Tim Horton Children’s Foundation.” Tim Hortons. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.


If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?

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For many years, people have been talk about CRS. In fact, the term “corporate social responsibility” became popular in the 1960s and has remained a term used indiscriminately to cover moral and legal responsibility more narrowly construed. There are critics argue that CSR distracts from business’ economic role. However, I strongly agree that corporations increase long term profits by operating with a CSR perspective. Social enterprise and the Arc exist because the world needs it.


This world is filled with inequity, and people who enjoy better life have moral responsibility to do what they can do to help others. Again, this is not requirements for them, people has right to choose if they want to do it. However, I have talked to members from UBC Social Enterprise Club and I admire what they are doing, like how I feel about the Arc Initiative. Those people are doing great things because they care about other people, and like what Sally Orsberg mentioned, social entrepreneurs see opportunities while others see hopeless failure, see potential when other people see tragic consequences, and they see a future when others cannot begin to imagine. They are needed under any conditions, not only because they have capacity to do so, but also because they are driven by incentives—to make this world better off.



Chick fil-A: Focus on Customer Service or Ignore it?


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I personally love Chick fil-A chicken sandwiches and fries, they are absolutely more delicious than their similar fast food competitors’. However, that was when I was 15 and my Chick fil-A mania ends when I found out this company holds attitude against Gay Marriage.


Looking at Chick-fil-A CEO Cathy: Gay Marriage Still Wrong, But I’ll Shut Up About It And Sell Chicken,I started to plan to write a blog about Chick fil-A. After researching, I surprisingly found out that Chick fil-A actually spend over a million on customer service. Additionally, its incentive system culture in the company is very positive. I am impressed. The company shows so much care about relationship between their manager and crew, and they use “servant leadership” to perfect their customer service. Tremendous Q&As has been done to adjust stuff’s behavior in order to serve better. Also, “Driving through wall of frame” is built for employees to compete with other groups to see the maximum buyers they can take within one hour, and the winner gets $50 bonus. This is very motivating.


In so many aspects, it is showed Chick fil-A is a company who cares about its culture, its crew and its customers. I wonder why they just cannot support another group of people like so many young men. Eventually, those are lost customers, and Chick fil-A chose to let them slip through.


Work Cited

“Chick-fil-A’s Recipe for Customer Service.” Fast Company. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

O’Connor, Clare. “Chick-fil-A CEO Cathy: Gay Marriage Still Wrong, But I’ll Shut Up About It And Sell Chicken.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.


Response to Calvin’s Blog: How can Companies learn from Nestlé to show concern on Social Responsibilities?


Reading one of my classmate’s blog last night, I saw a very interesting one mentioned that Nestlé Water Canada did not pay for water resource in BC. However, another Nestlé factory in Ontario is charged of $3.71 per million liters of water, which does not make huge difference. In fact, although it is not required for them to measure and report their water withdrawals to the government, Nestlé voluntarily reports the data to the District of Hope. Additionally, Nestlé actually shows social responsibility in company’s behavior.



My fundamental idea is inspired by to Calvin’s blog “Kellogg Wants Suppliers to Report Carbon Emissions”. I strongly agree that social responsibility and business ethics of companies are highly regarded these days, and Nestlé is doing a good job creating its image. Firstly, Nestlé has topped a list of global companies in efforts to disclose and cut carbon emissions. According to José Lopez, who is Nestlé Executive Vice President and Head of Operations, Nestlé has halved greenhouse gas emissions from factories per ton of product since 2001. Also, Nespresso evaluate their sustainability carefully, and it supports coffee farmers to adopt sustainable practices, thereby reducing the environmental impact.

Word Cited

“Carbon Footprint Reduction.” Nestlé Nespresso:. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

Fumano, Dan. “Nestle Bottles Millions of Litres of Canadian Water – and Pays Nothing.” Canadacom. N.p., 14 Aug. 2013. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

“Nestlé Tops List of Global Companies Cutting Carbon Emissions.” N.p., 14 Sept. 2012. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

“Sustainability.” Http://w N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

“What Is Nestlé Doing about Climate Change?” N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

How Did Samsung Achieve Great Success in Marketing?


Given the question that what is the second successful company in smart phone industry technologically, many would answer Samsung. With same android system, Samsung phone has a higher selling price in the market comparing with competitors like LG, Google (after buying Motorola), or HTC. There is a reasonable explanation for Samsung to become the biggest brother in Android phone industry, which is its astonishingly high investment on marketing.

According to the data in 2012, which is the prosperous year for Samsung, Galaxy S2 and Galaxy note2 refreshed previous Sales and reached 2 billion units. However, in the meanwhile, Samsung spend 40 billion dollars on advertising, which is 4 times Apple’s advertisement cost in the same year. Moreover, this Korean company spends more money on advertisement than Coca-Cola, which is known as a company whose main cost is it.

In the positive way, that cost did pay Samsung back in an appreciable amount. Additionally, I want to point out that Samsung made lots of connections and corporations with Asian TV shows, entertainment culture enterprises and celebrities, which not only increases its’ new product’s popularity in an efficient way, but also brings back respectable profit. The only thing they should consider is that is this a sustainable way to do so.

The Impact First Nation Issue Has in Business Environment


Broadly speaking, Canada is not the only country which encountered nation problem. First nation problem has its difficulty to solve like every other alike ones—benefits. There is a conflict between native Indians and Canadians, for example, BC Hydro Project and Copper-gold project.


BC Hydro’s $8-billion Site C hydroelectric megaproject is rejected by Indians because it damages their farmland and wildlife habitat. This is such an $8-billion project and can provide clean energy for region’s growing population, as well as the area’s oil and gas and mining industries. However, under conflicting condition, companies like BC Hydro should consider more elements other than people need, resources and productivity, such as emotional value of their product.


To gain support from native Indians, the company should consider their benefit and bring more advantages to them that exceeds their lost. The native Indian chief has showed that clean energy is what people need down that region, however, Indians prefers smaller project like wind or solar energy. In this case, the company should adjust their constrains on their product, for example, by spread bigger project into smaller different stages or subsidize more rebuilding animal habitat project. Same outline for alike problems too, such as Cooper-gold project.

Restaurant Adding Poppy Shell into their food


Recently, a Chinese restaurant has been charged by putting poppy shell into their food to make people eat their product. It is astonishing news and I want to talk about the firms’ decision.


Firstly, the firm decided to add poppy shell into their product for a simple reason—to earn more revenue. They did succeed on this issue but the consequence is more complicated. The action is simply illegal and immoral. If one firm defines itself as a firm which aims all at profit, it is less likely for the firm to grow bigger. In the value proposition of one firm, physical value is just one part, the restaurant should not focus on this to get differentiated.


For a restaurant like this, I have some suggestions on how to define it and how to make advancement from the result. To begin with, the restaurant must cover every basic thing a restaurant should offer, such as clean dishes and comfortable eating environment. Additionally, the restaurant should add extra value to its definition. For example, it is a noodle restaurant and people prefer organic food these days, so the restaurant can spread their reputation with all organic-food raw food. In this case, a restaurant can differentiate itself from competitors.

Alibaba’s Success


Alibaba is one of the most successful E-commerce firm in China, In one way of speaking, Alibaba is better than other competitive firms such as Amazon and EBay simply because it has a much larger business volume. Last year, Alibaba has turnover as 1700 million American dollar, which exceeds the sum of Amazon and EBay’s turnover.


Alibaba’s great success is not happened accidentally. Ma Yun, the originator of Alibaba, has spotted e-commerce’s chance far before online purchasing is accepted in people’s mind in China, and kept building his firm foundation for over 10 years before Alibaba is known by many people. In a financial show, Ma Yun talked about very early time when he started the company, he said that he was not worried at all at time people all calls him psycho and his friends and family did not support him for doing it, because he believe that he will succeed. This is the one greatest appearance of leadership. With his strength and leadership, Alibaba has became the biggest online service firm and many of its product are well-known and trusted.


Alibaba has a clear and special value proposition. It offers a website that makes purchasing more fair and convenient for consumer and creates opportunities for small quantity sellers. Alibaba distinguish itself from other competitors with large quantity of goods and broader target group.

People Are Ready for iPhone 6


New iPhone has come to public and many older iPhone holders are ready to upgrade. There are researches shows that 45% of iPhone 4 holders and 40% of iPhone 4s holders are intent to buy newer iPhone (McCarthy). Why are people so obsessed to this item? I think there are several aspects.

To begin with, Apple does a good job in marketing. Before iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ come out, there are plenty guesses and information about next iPhone which turns out to be not true. This is the first time iPhone comes with two sizes: 6 and 6+, and people get chance to choose the product they prefer. This is probably a result from competing with Samsung’s Note which has bigger screen than past iPhones and there are some consumers complain about it. It is not what Apple usually does because their high quality of product is made by controlling consumer’s choices and is little customized. This action allows two group of consumer to choose their preferred product, one who want Apple to stay their normal size and one who want bigger size iPhone.

Additionally, iPhone watch and IOS 8 system added credit to this new Apple product.