Work for Coca Cola?

Coca Cola Canada unveiled its newest downtown Toronto headquarters in April this year. The new facility was designed and built based on combining the diverse needs of the company’s 400 employees. This is undoubtedly a great motivation strategy as the working environment can be a primary hygiene factor (Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory) that causes dissatisfaction among the workforce. Additionally, Elton Mayo’s motivation theory in regards to the Hawthorne Effect justify that workers are more motivated and productive when management takes an interest in the welfare of their staff. Thus, Coca Cola’s move to integrate its some-400 employees’ input and to realise them as a new workplace can greatly improve staff morale in the company.

Aside from being an excellent motivation strategy, designing and building a new headquarters is also Coca Cola’s way of responding to changes in the labour market. The current generation of workforce clearly seek for many more and different aspects of a job – such as flexibility of working from home, quality of working environment and more – when considering one, as outlined in the article. By offering all of that in one workplace, the company is in an optimistic position to attract young workers in today’s society.

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