McDonald’s. How does the company do it

The blog post describes how McDonald’s has been one of few companies to become globally well known, on top of having a big consumer loyalty and being profitable. The reasons come down to having franchises all over the world which are shaped to different patterns in consumption. For example in India instead of meat they use chicken with typical food of that specific country as demand in South America isn’t the same as in India. Also the company by going public in 1965 allowed bigger investment into the company, allowing more ideas regarding market segments and consumer taste to enter the business. Then lately this company has reshaped again by consumption trends leading to healthier lifestyles given the big amount of people realizing fast foods are killing people all over the world, causing their products to change into salads and other healthier choices.

What we understand from this is that the reason for many companies’ success is due to the constant reshaping of products offered to consumers with constant changes in ideas opening up to different market segments at many different prices. An important point i think is that business become obsoletes when they are stuck in giving the same product without different approaches to consumers, which goes along to the amount of investment in market research.


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