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Accord to United States Patents and Trademark Office, a patent is defined as “grant of a property right to the inventor(s) for an invention”,  it is “the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling” the invention in the United States or “importing” the invention into the United States.”, one can say that a patent is as simple as just filing an application to about anything to gain rights to sue others that attempt to use this.

Some very popular examples of this are the in the mobile industry, where companies like Apple and Samsung sue each other for infringement of patents constantly. Recently, in Dallas Observers Blog, it has shown that apple was awarded 38 patents recently, one of which included “page-turn”.

With the Patent Office in the US offering patents as the “page-turn”er, i truly believe that the Patent Office offering Patents are flawed. Many companies are just using Patents to secure dull and un-innovative ideas, possibly just to use and sue others, yet the Patent office is still issuing patents to such creative ideas. Companies are just using Patents unethically to accomplish there stand in the market and to gain profits by suing each other, this is just a waste of money and time to many. I suggest that the Patent Office only issue Patents to innovative and unique ideas that benefit society, like back in the days when the first light bulb was created.

Social Entrepreneurs

Following the class on Social Entrepreneurs, i became really interested in the matter and looked more in depth.

A social entrepreneur can be defined as someone who is a entrepreneur, but in return they are doing something good for society, while still doing business (making profits). David Bornstein says that social entrepreneurs are “totally possessed in their visions of change”

Examples of companies are Ashoka Canada and Roots of Empathy, Ashoka “envisions a world…that responds quickly and effectively to social challenges…” with the support to envision change. Ashoka high supports individuals who want social change, or what we call a social entrepreneur. Roots of Empathy’s main goals are in ” reducing levels of aggression among children while raising their social and emotional competence and increasing empathy.”

I find that Social Entrepreneurs are a must in the world, in addition to making some money like in every business, you want to make a change and help society. i believe at least in one point of a businessmen/women career, they are considered “wicked” and “devilish” because of their actions, while being a social entrepreneur  you can drive change in society,ultimately building up good karma!

A New Beginning?

As in my blog post on rim, i have questioned Rims ability to survive in today’s mobile market. But, after reading Kevin Lui ‘s Post on Blackberry 10, i will have to agree that on the launch day, Rim’s stocks will rise in February… to an extent.

With the addition of the blackberry 10 platform in late January 2013, the holiday season sales are missed, therefore the supply for the phone will be geared on enterprise and corporation sales. This in itself would hurt sales, but furthermore would exemplify the business purpose of the phone .

The phone itself will still hold the point of difference, with the high sophisticated security system that no other mobile device can top. There will be 2 versions of the new blackberry 10 device, a full touch screen one and a half-touch, half-physical keyboard version. This shows variety and competition with other mobile phones, while still keeping Blackberry’s original ideas.  In the image from TechCrunch.com, it is clear that the main objective would be to counter apples iPhone, they look and are designed very similar.

It is clear from all the feedback that many supporters are hyped for the release with a gain in their recognition. Therefore, i agree that the expected increase in stocks will occur.

Here’s A BlackBerry 10 Device Next To An iPhone 5


Apples Ipad Mini

With the iPad mini release recently, one would ask how this 8inch iPad mini will compete in the 7inch tablet market. The new iPad mini costs more then  a consumer is willing to pay, “they would pay $242 for a 7-inch iPad and $268 for an 8-inch iPad.”,  for this premium price against the competition, will this affect the sales of the original iPad? The iPad accounts for ” 26% of Apple’s fiscal third-quarter revenue”, this can affect consumers into buying the cheaper, smaller alternative to the iPad, lowing their sales but truly with all the competition  in the tablet market for sub 7inch, it is hard to say if apples newest addition will be able to compete against cheap alternatives. Instead i believe that it will offset the sales of the larger iPad into the iPad mini, as it is essentially a smaller alternative for an apple device.




Following my previous blog post on the proposed Enbridge’s Northern Pipeline, recently last Saturday, a 7.7 Earthquake hit BC in Haida Gwai. This has lead to the risk of landslides and breakage of the tankers in the proposed pipeline. This rose a lot of attention recently in the support in disapproval of the proposal, as if the earthquake was to hit a nearby location of the proposed area, chances are it would create a risk among populations that live around the area. This adds to another “unethical” reason to why the proposed Pipeline should be refuted, “natural disasters are unpredictable” and to add extra prevention along the pipe, one would need to increase the expenses by..A LOT, as the pipeline is over 1,150-kilometers long. For now, i find this project very unethical towards society, unless a better alternative route is taken, and better safety regulations, the risk of environmental loss and disasters plus unethical land usage has caused the proposal to look very unfavorable.


One for One Movement


The following is Toms main business model, for every pair of Toms branded shoes you buy, Toms will donate a pair given to a child in a developing third world country. Tom’s has built an awareness among the nation of barefoot is an issue to children and how a pair of shoes can change their lives; Along with this motto, they created “A Day Without Shoes” on April 10th.Some examples of this are the bacterial contamination in soils, the risk of infection from cuts of barefoot, and the loss of education due to the need of shoes in school uniforms.

From Kyle’s Blog on Toms Buy-One, Give-One model, i agree that the model does not actually solve a social issue, and that  their model contradicts their main business model. The social issue of children without shoes will be solved in the short run of this motto, but in terms of long run, it will greatly affect the rate of growth in a developing nation as it impacts the market for shoes.  I feel that Toms shoes will go out of business eventually, as the main reason for their sales is the “feel good value proposition” they created, but their products are so easily replicated and simple, they need to be more differentiated from the competition.

Toms shoes in my opinion is considered a social entrepreneur, for the sake of business they are making money, but at the same time they are helping society to an extent in the short run.



The proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline is a route from Edmonton, Alberta to Kitimat BC on the WestCoast of Enbridge. This Pipeline is proposed to linking alberta oilsands to BC so they can be exported worldwide. Many ethical and environmental issues have arose in response to this proposal.

A main ethical issue is that the pipeline will invade into claimed First Nations territory, without their approval this plan is useless and unethical. To the environment  this pipeline will cause destruction to land and wildlife habitats, they energy released along way of the line can cause a dramatic increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Another really unethical assumption of the oil from Alberta is that we consider it as “ethical” , and the oil we use are mainly from other parts of the world, we consider it “unethical”. We  according to this proposal, want to export “ethical” oils and use ourselves “unethical” oils, this is really ironic because we at this point are supporting the usage of unethical products in a society where we try to be “ethical.” I question how this pipeline is ethical to society, it goes through First Nations land and it disrupts the environmental.

I guess there is truly no real “ethical” business or very rarely any in society today, all businesses want are profits to rise, while not caring about being “ethical.” Ethical is just another way to lure consumers into believing a business is right, when usually they aren’t.





With Target taking over Zellers in 2013, and Nordstrom taking over Sears Downtown in the near future, it is safe to say that our Canadian economy is slowly becoming Americanized. What has caused this to happen and what affect will it have on the Canadian economy?

According to Huffingtonpost’s Article, the top 3 reason for this are : The blooming Canadian dollar, existing of stores are disappearing and opportunity for retail sector growth.

The Canadian and United States Dollar are basically at par now, this means that we are spending more then the US since about 10 years ago, the Canadian dollar was really low.    While shopping in a mall, have you noticed those stores you just never seem to walk by or knew existed? Stores all over malls are slowly vanishing, this is due to lack of sales and recognition by consumers. According to Nasdaq, “GDP growth was 34% faster than the U.S. retail sector and 96% greater than the Canadian economy between 2004 and 2008” This is like a green light to the American Retail stores to come and migrate over to Canada, as there are lots of opportunity available for business growth.

For the Canadian Economy, i believe this is a really good sign, as more companies from US come to Canada, the currency for goods will slowly become more unified. Meaning, instead of heading down the border to get good deals, you will stay in Canada and find the same deals. But with this one can say our political views and government will slowly become Americanized as well.

Youtube Taking Over?

With the ease to find TV shows and movies online, YouTube, the biggest online video sharing site, has added “original channels” which consists of high quality videos that capture specific viewer’s interests. YouTube tries to add “originality” but at the same time, covering many user-uploaded videos that are not popular, as their effort to take over the market for streaming videos against competitors such as Netflix and Amazon.

With this being said, since most of today’s population already use the internet for streaming video purposes, could this mean the downfall of residential cable? In addition to commercial advertising on television, many companies have already created YouTube channels in the effort to capture the attention of viewers.

Don’t you hate those advertisements and commercials on TV that just seem to pop up right when you’re getting to the best part? YouTube has very limited advertisements during videos with the availability of a skip button, which minimizes time spent watching videos that could be put doing something productive.  With their variety of content available to any viewer, you’re bound to find something of interest; it is no doubt that one day, the online video streaming will take over cable television.


Rim’s Last Hope?

In today’s market for cellular devices, the main competitors consist of mainly Samsung with their sophisticated androids and Apple with their innovative iPhones.  But can you remember not long ago when Blackberry’s were the hype of the world? In 2012, Rims 2nd reporting quarter was reported on September 27, 2012, with an estimated net loss of over 200 million vs last year when Rim reported over 300 million in PROFITS. What actually happened here to Rim in just a little over a year that caused such a dramatic change of tables?

Rim back when it was extremely popular, held a few point differences against its competitors at the time; these consisted of Blackberry Messenger (BBM), a highly advanced security system and a physical keyboard.  But over time, the competition developed its own substitutes along with changes in consumer tastes, which promptly pushed Rim aside due to their lack of originality and innovation.

On the same day of the fiscal 2nd reporting quarter, Rims stocks jumped ~17%, as many hope for the best with Rims newest device around the corner next year.  Will Rim’s newest device be enough for their survival in the market?



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