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Archive for October, 2012


Following my previous blog post on the proposed Enbridge’s Northern Pipeline, recently last Saturday, a 7.7 Earthquake hit BC in Haida Gwai. This has lead to the risk of landslides and breakage of the tankers in the proposed pipeline. This rose a lot of attention recently in the support in disapproval of the proposal, as if […]

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One for One Movement

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7MV3HWQHl1s The following is Toms main business model, for every pair of Toms branded shoes you buy, Toms will donate a pair given to a child in a developing third world country. Tom’s has built an awareness among the nation of barefoot is an issue to children and how a pair of shoes can change their lives; […]

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The proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline is a route from Edmonton, Alberta to Kitimat BC on the WestCoast of Enbridge. This Pipeline is proposed to linking alberta oilsands to BC so they can be exported worldwide. Many ethical and environmental issues have arose in response to this proposal. A main ethical issue is that the pipeline will […]

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With Target taking over Zellers in 2013, and Nordstrom taking over Sears Downtown in the near future, it is safe to say that our Canadian economy is slowly becoming Americanized. What has caused this to happen and what affect will it have on the Canadian economy? According to Huffingtonpost’s Article, the top 3 reason for […]

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With the ease to find TV shows and movies online, YouTube, the biggest online video sharing site, has added “original channels” which consists of high quality videos that capture specific viewer’s interests. YouTube tries to add “originality” but at the same time, covering many user-uploaded videos that are not popular, as their effort to take […]

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Rim’s Last Hope?

In today’s market for cellular devices, the main competitors consist of mainly Samsung with their sophisticated androids and Apple with their innovative iPhones.  But can you remember not long ago when Blackberry’s were the hype of the world? In 2012, Rims 2nd reporting quarter was reported on September 27, 2012, with an estimated net loss […]

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