Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline
Oct 19th, 2012 by anthonytse
The proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline is a route from Edmonton, Alberta to Kitimat BC on the WestCoast of Enbridge. This Pipeline is proposed to linking alberta oilsands to BC so they can be exported worldwide. Many ethical and environmental issues have arose in response to this proposal.
A main ethical issue is that the pipeline will invade into claimed First Nations territory, without their approval this plan is useless and unethical. To the environment this pipeline will cause destruction to land and wildlife habitats, they energy released along way of the line can cause a dramatic increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Another really unethical assumption of the oil from Alberta is that we consider it as “ethical” , and the oil we use are mainly from other parts of the world, we consider it “unethical”. We according to this proposal, want to export “ethical” oils and use ourselves “unethical” oils, this is really ironic because we at this point are supporting the usage of unethical products in a society where we try to be “ethical.” I question how this pipeline is ethical to society, it goes through First Nations land and it disrupts the environmental.
I guess there is truly no real “ethical” business or very rarely any in society today, all businesses want are profits to rise, while not caring about being “ethical.” Ethical is just another way to lure consumers into believing a business is right, when usually they aren’t.