Graduate students in any discipline who intend to pursue an academic career should begin to build up a portfolio of publications, particularly in high-quality scholarly journals. Getting started on this path can be a daunting task, though.

The latest issue of the journal American Anthropologist has an editorial that will help. Called “How to Get an Article Accepted at American Anthropologist (or Anywhere)”, this editorial offers 5 simple tips for improving your chances of getting your article accepted.

You can access the journal online through AnthroSource. Here’s the direct link:

(if you’re off-campus, make sure you have set up the VPN or you won’t be able to access it).

And here’s the citation for future reference:

Boellstorff, T. (2008). How to Get an Article Accepted at American Anthropologist (or Anywhere).
American Anthropologist, 110 (3), 281–283.

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