Apple < Blackberry

Apple Inc. a market leader in the technology field advertised the update of its knew feature on the Ipod selection. The Ipod touch is said to include iOS 5. This device depicts a point of parity between Apple and its competitor, Research in Motion who invented the Blackberry Messenger. Apple’s managers realized that they had been losing market share because of the fact they did not bring out the iOS 5 earlier. The Blackberry Messenger was firstly positioned as the leader in this area as such it was difficult to compete with it. Apple decided to reassess the points of parity of the iOS 5 and the Blackberry Messenger in an attempt to exceed the Blackberry’s features in order to please its customers. One must realize that the Blackberry Messenger device has proven itself and has been well accepted by the market, whereas, Apple needs to prove that it is a superior product as well. This must be done by appropriate brand positioning and ensuring that the product works effectively and is at least as reliable of that of the Blackberry Messenger.

Citation: Albanesius, Chloe.“ Apple Unveils Updated Ipod Nano, Touch”. 4 October 2011. Web. 4 October. 2011.   <,2817,2394061,00.asp#fbid=8dQtgmGKDsj>

Picture: “ I Phone Mobile” 22 November. 2009. Web. 4 October. 2011.  <>

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