Fierce Competition Between Walmart and Others


 Wal- Mart Stores, Inc’s. toy prices this holiday season appear to be substantially lower than the competing stores of Target Corp. and Sears-holding Corp. This places Wal-Mart well ahead of the competition. If one store is offering substantially lower prices for the same good and service, a customer is more prone to buy from the company that is offering a lower price. This means the other companies should reposition themselves in such a way that they are able to re-gain the customers they lost as well as attract new ones. Target and Sears should use marketing research to help them reposition themselves  so that they can meet their customers needs. This will allow these companies to gather relevant information about the market and to gain insight of their customer preferences. In order for Target and Sears to successfully compete they firstly need to market their toys in such a way that they attract the attention of children. They need to introduce a line of toys that is much better accepted than those of Wal-mart. Furthermore, another major area they can emphasize to their prospective customers is the safety of their products. They can provide brief yet complete safety brochures that are easily understandable by the consumer. These proposed measures will likely ensure much stronger competition with Wal-Mart.

Citation: Townsend, Matt.“ Wal-Mart Beats Target, Kmart on Toy Pricing.” 14 October 2011. Web. 16 October. 2011. <>

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