Response to: Joyce Li’s Post

 As I was browsing through various blogs of my classmates, I came across a post in Comm 101 section 104, Joyce Li’s blog that had me interested in Starbucks’s new reward program. Joyce Li  described how Starbucks is implementing a new reward program for customers that frequently purchase Starbucks products. I found it quite surprising that Starbucks is only adding its reward program now, while other coffee places have been using similar reward programs for many years. In the past, Starbucks may have felt that this program was not needed to attract new customers and maintain their existing customers. It is quite evident, that competition is more fierce than it used to be, due to the many quality coffee places existing today in the market place. This is why Starbucks has implemented this new system. As I am a regular customer at Starbucks, I believe this new approach that they implemented is very much needed to properly compete in the market. The reward program is very important as it creates close relationships with customers and rewards them for being loyal to the Starbucks brand. Creating a strong loyalty program with its customers may ensure that Starbucks retains its current customers for many years to come as well as attract new customers.

 Citation: Lo, Joyce. “Starbucks Offering Rewards Program.” Comm 101 104 Joyce Li. 5 October 2011. 23 October. 2011. <>

Pictures: “Tag Archive for ‘Starbucks Canada.”  27 May 2011. Web. 23 October. 2011.  <>

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