Response to: Alice Cheung’s Post


 A blog post by Alice Cheung in Section 102 outlined how Google eagerly wants to enter the social media industry. Google is adapting a way for online users to communicate with each other, similar to that of Facebook. This post had me thinking, is Google’s investment in the networking field a sound decision? Its rival Facebook has well established itself for many years now, making it very difficult for new competition to enter the market. However, Alice Cheung stated that Google is developing new innovative applications that Facebook does not currently have. This approach by Google may attract new customers that find these applications useful. Google needs to clearly differentiate their services from Facebook in order to attract a new customer base. It should not replicate features currently used by Facebook, unless they are much more superior to those of Facebook. Today a customer is more likely to use Facebook than Google for social networking because Facebook is very well established in this area. Certainly, Google has the financial strength and a huge following to make strides in the networking area. However, it must be cautious to ensure that it does not fail. If Google does not succeed in this area it may put a blemish on its reputation in the market place.

Citation: Cheung, Alice. “Google+ vs Facebook, who will win?Comm 101 102 Alice Cheung. 9 October 2011. 24 October. 2011. <>

Picture: Stice, Keeneth. “Can Facebook Predict the GOP Nomination?” 17 August 2011. Web. 23. October. 2011.    


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