Confidentiality Versus Speedier Check Ins at US Airports

It is known worldwide that the US has strict security measures at all its airports. President Obama is currently experimenting with the creation of a “PreCheck” program in the airports. The program will allow travellers to pass through security in a more efficient and effective manner. This security program will pre-scan passenger information prior to their arrival at the airport. One would then ask, what is the trade-off between providing U.S. airport security staff with all your personal information versus the time saved in going through security as compared to now. Under this scenario, frequent travellers will more likely be willing to give their personal information without hesitation because of the time they will save. A concern stated by the US airport security official McLaughlin is that this new security measure could not “apply [to] individuals that we know [little] about and potentially pose a greater risk to aviation.” This demonstrates that this security measure could only be used for frequent flyers whose background could be checked thoroughly in advance thus posing limited risk. 

Citation:  Henery, Ray. “ 4 Airports try limited low-hassle security checks.” 4 October 2011. Web. 6 October. 2011. <>

 Picture: “Some Important Airport Security Tips.” July. 2001. Web. 6 October. 2011.  <>

“Airport Security Should Not Terrorise.” 18 April 2011. Web. 6 October. 2011.<>


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