Apple < Blackberry

Apple Inc. a market leader in the technology field advertised the update of its knew feature on the Ipod selection. The Ipod touch is said to include iOS 5. This device depicts a point of parity between Apple and its competitor, Research in Motion who invented the Blackberry Messenger. Apple’s managers realized that they had been losing market share because of the fact they did not bring out the iOS 5 earlier. The Blackberry Messenger was firstly positioned as the leader in this area as such it was difficult to compete with it. Apple decided to reassess the points of parity of the iOS 5 and the Blackberry Messenger in an attempt to exceed the Blackberry’s features in order to please its customers. One must realize that the Blackberry Messenger device has proven itself and has been well accepted by the market, whereas, Apple needs to prove that it is a superior product as well. This must be done by appropriate brand positioning and ensuring that the product works effectively and is at least as reliable of that of the Blackberry Messenger.

Citation: Albanesius, Chloe.“ Apple Unveils Updated Ipod Nano, Touch”. 4 October 2011. Web. 4 October. 2011.   <,2817,2394061,00.asp#fbid=8dQtgmGKDsj>

Picture: “ I Phone Mobile” 22 November. 2009. Web. 4 October. 2011.  <>


The past actions of the Greek Governments abusing the benefit of being included into the European Union by borrowing money well beyond their means has resulted in a major financial crisis.

Greece is physically unable to pay off the debt it owes to its European creditors. It has lost creditability with its allies. Therefore, countries are reluctant and refusing to lend Greece further financing. The country has made substantial cuts to salaries of public sector employees and their pensions. Furthermore, taxation laws are now strictly enforced and income taxes have been increased. One asks, should Greece declare bankruptcy and leave the Euro Zone, or will its European creditors forgive most of the Greek debt?  It is unfortunate that the Greek Government has borrowed irresponsibly for many years and now the Greek people have to endure quite harsh consequences.

I have witnessed the effect of these austerity measures implemented recently when I was in Greece this summer. This included high unemployment, store closures, properties for lease and general reduced spending. The unfortunate part in all of this is that Greek residents will have to bare the pain until if and when a full recovery occurs.

Citation: Schwartz, Nelson D. “Europe Stews on Greece, and Markets Sweat Out the Wait.” 25 September 2011. Web. 1 October. 2011. 


Picture: Christofer, Kat. “Athenian democracy in ruins.”  8 September 2008. Web. 1 October. 2011.<>


Will Apple Customers Be Seeing A New TV in 2012?

Apple TV

Apple a multi-billion dollar company is expecting to develop a home digital TV entertainment system by 2012. It is to include a cable system, video game access and a 3D screen. This invention has the opportunity to excel as consumers consider Apple to be a consistently reliable company and a leader in its field. The New Apple TV could become the market leader in the television industry. It has been stated that TV “remains the king of all media” (Viewpoint, 2011). This demonstrates that people consider TV as one of their technological needs in their lives. Customers are willing to buy a new TV set but one would ask from which company to purchase it from? Price competition from other TV suppliers may pose a threat to Apple, which is known to have higher prices for the same product. This is because Apple is able to produce and deliver a superior product due to its leadership position in the industry. If Apple were to find a way to develop a TV set that included all the features customers desire at a reasonable price it could capture a significant lead in the market place.

Citations: “Here Comes Apple’s Real TV.” Viewpoint. 13 September 2011. Web. 24 September. 2011.>

Picture: Steven Musil. “Apple working on a TV set for 2012?” 28 August,2011.<>

Business Ethics: Marketing Corporations or School Children?

Minimal nutritious food that corporations are supplying American school cafeterias and vending machines raises a major ethical concern for the health of children. This suggests that the federal government does not support the position of having school children on healthy diets. Instead, they side with corporations marketing their products of limited or no nutritional value in schools. One asks where is the ethics in this approach? Children at school should have limited exposure to marketing campaigns that illustrate unhealthy eating habits. Furthermore, because they are only children it is clearly unethical to exploit their innocence. Is it not the government’s ethical duty to monitor the advertising and exposing of unhealthy food product to children? The federal government needs to enforce and regulate the type of advertising that corporations use to persuade children to purchase unhealthy food products.

Children that attend school and eat at their cafeteria must be given an alternative option in selecting healthier choices. Today, many of these entities are constrained to purchase their food from one supplier who are acting unethically in promoting unhealthy food choices. They are more interested in the profit they make rather than the well being of school children.

Citation: Smith, Jessica. “Commercial Alert vs. USDA: How one non-profit is fighting to eliminate junk food from America’s schools”. 6 December 2005. Web.15 September. 2011 <>

Picture: Espaillat, Jay. “New nutrition Assessment for children”. 2 September 2010. Web. 15 September. 2011. <>.