Sample Flexibility Program

Flexibility Training

Client currently partakes in her own flexibility training. She has been involved in the Yoga community for a number of years, and has been to many seminars and classes. Tends to waiver in and out of habit, but is currently doing a very basic 10-15 minute routine 3 days a week.

Frequency 3 days
Intensity Gentle
Time 10-15 minutes
Type Yoga, stretching

Sample Exercises

Body Region Exercise Intensity Duration Mode
Neck Forward flexion and extension Mild discomfort 15 second hold, 3 times Static
Lateral extension Mild discomfort 15 second hold, 3 times Static
Chest Chest stretch Expand to place of mild discomfort 20 second hold, 2 times Static
Triceps Arms across chest 20 second hold, 2 times on each side Static
Wrist Palm up, palm down Mild discomfort 20 seconds each wrist, 2 times Static
Back Arm hug Mild discomfort 20 seconds, 2 times Static
Hips Seated hip rotator Mild 20 seconds each side, 2 times Static
Thighs Seated chair hamstring stretch Mild 20 seconds, 2 times Static
Ankle Dynamic foot ROM
(range of motion)
Light 20 seconds each side Dynamic

Picture examples:

Lateral neck extension :


Chest Stretch:


Palm up, palm down:


Seated hip rotator:


Dynamic foot ROM:


Other exercises found at:


Exercises to improve balance:
Lower Body balance

Exercise Intensity Duration
Side leg raises As far out as comfortable 10 times each legtempo: 2/1/2
Hip flexion As high up as comfortable 10 times each legtempo: 3/1/3
Hip extension As far back as comfortable 10 each legtempo: 3/1/3
Stand on one leg Moderate to high 20 seconds each side

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