Sample Client

Nora Jones is a 65 year old woman in the early stages of her retirement (5 years). She is very active and enjoys running, walking, hiking and gardening in the summers, cross country skiing in the winters and light yoga and dancing all year round. But she found out that she is in the early stages of osteopenia.

Short-term goal: ”I want to become more familiar with weight training and going to the gym, and I want to be comfortable performing the exercises.  Sometimes I find exercises hurt, like push-ups, and I don’t know what I should do instead, so I would like to learn a few more options, and really take the time to focus on this aspect of my health.”

Long-term goal: “I am currently in the stages of osteopenia.  Osteoporosis runs in my family, and I am very concerned with low bone mass, and muscle deterioration.   My long term goal would be to interrupt or stall the loss of bone mass I am currently experiencing, and to remain osteopenic and not progress to the further stages of Osteoporosis.”

Exercise Assessment:

Clients PAR- Q was cleared by a doctor.

Heart Rate/ Blood Pressure

Protocol Start of Program Normative Value
Heart Rate 69 60-80**
Blood Pressure 135/86 140/90


Body Composition

Protocol Start of Program Normative Value
BMI 17.5 kg/m2 18.5-24.9 kg/m2 **
Waist Circumference 65 cm  <80cms
Skinfold: Triceps 14mm  N/A
Skinfold: Biceps 4mm  N/A
Skinfold: Subscapular 5mm  N/A
Skinfold: Iliac Crest 10mm  N/A
Skinfold: Medial Calf 9mm  N/A
Height 152 cm  152 cm
Weight 46.2 kg  50kg-65kg


Aerobic Fitness Assessment

Start of Program Normative Value
Distance 618 meters 400-700 meters*

Musculoskeletal Fitness assessment

Protocol Start of Program Normative Value
Right Hand Grip 23 kg  N/A
Left Hand Grip 21 kg  N/A
Hand Grip total 44 kg 45-47 kg**
Push up 10 5-11 (#)**
Partial Curl-up 20 17-24 (#)**
Vertical Jump 10. 8 cm 11-14 cm
Peak Leg Power 693.42 watts 1317-1717 watts
Sit and Reach 27.3 cm 27-30 cm


Back Health Assessment

Protocol Start of Program Normative Value
Back Extension 30 seconds  19-18 seconds



Protocol Start of Program Normative Value
Transition from seated to standing No assistance No assistance
Standing without assistance 1 minute 15 sec 2 minutes


*Enright, P. L. (2003). The six-minute walk test. Respiratory care48(8), 783-785.

**Department of Human Kinetics (2013) Exercise Prescription: lab 2: body composition assessment. Department of Human Kinetics, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Kelowna, Canada

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