Needs Analysis


Needs Analysis 

Training status:

–       Individual training
–       No set program
–       Very recreationally active
–       Beginner resistance training

Winter activities (November- April):

Activity Intensity Frequency
Yoga Low 10-15 minutes3-4 times per week
Cross Country Skiing High 45 minutes5 times per week
Walking Moderate 20 minutesdaily
Shoveling snow, carrying wood Moderate When needed


Summer activities (April- October):

Activity Intensity Frequency
Hiking High 6-8 hoursBiweekly
Yoga Low 10-15 minutes3-4 times per week
Walk/Running Moderate/high 20- 30 minutes3-5 times per week
Dancing Moderate 1 hour per week
Gardening Light When needed


Evaluation of Sport/ Activity

Movement Analysis:  Less about sport movement because the aim is for daily functional activity, therefore movement in all planes (sagittal, frontal, transverse).  Therefore: pushing, raising, lifting, up and down movements, carrying, etc.
Includes cross-country skiing and hiking, but also lifting groceries, carrying firewood, getting into and out of the tub, kneeling to garden, climbing counters to reach items on top shelf (which we discourage yet she insists is necessary), lifting the dog in and out of sink, etc.
Physiological Analysis:  Very petite woman.  Low bone mass. Low muscle mass.  BMI 17.5.  See assessments for further measurements.
Hypertrophy to gain strength and muscular endurance.
Weight bearing to increase bone remodeling.
Injury Analysis: common injuries in elderly : falls, wrists, hips, arms, legs


Assessment of Client


–       Achilles tendonitis (healed)
–       Mild chronic wrist pain
–       Mild chronic knee pain

Needs: to increase hypertrophy and strength
Goal: increase hypertrophy

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