Why Physical Activity is Important


Physical Activity and Growing Older

As the body ages in to the advanced years, it experiences many changes that can be frustrating and interrupt our daily lives.   Physical activity has many benefits to ease the transition into older age, and extend independence.  The World Health Organization recognizes that that older adults who are physically active have lower rates of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, colon and breast cancer, and better cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness.   They tend to have a healthier body composition, enhanced bone health, and higher levels of functional health.  They are at a lower risk for falls and have better cognitive function.  By maintaining regular physical activity, you will be able to sustain your functional ability and independence well into advanced years.  Even if you have been inactive for a number of years, it is never too late to start, and you WILL see the benefits.  It doesn’t have to start at the gym.  It can start right in your own home, or right in your own back yard.  Check out the World Health Organizations physical activity recommendations for older adults!


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