Main areas of study
Strand | Details |
Measurement and Trigonometry |
Modeling Linear Relations |
Quadratic Relations of the Form y=ax2 +bx+c |
Units of Study
Unit Titles | Details | # of days * |
Review | Concepts from Grade 9 | 15 days |
Unit 1 | Modeling Linear Relations | 14 days |
Unit 2 | Quadratic Relations | 23 days |
Unit 3 | Trigonometry | 21 days |
Unit 4 | Measurement | 8 days |
Unit 5 | Summative Assessment | 5 days |
* A “day” consists of a lesson and subsequent homework.
Assessment and Evaluation
Student achievement of the learning expectations will be assessed and evaluated in a balanced manner with respect to four categories of knowledge and skills in mathematics – Knowledge/Understanding/Thinking/Inquiry/Problem Solving, Communication, and Application.
Category | Category Details | Weight % |
Assignment | Use of Technology, Investigations, Presentations, Formative Assessments | 25 |
Quizzes | Unit Quizzes | 15 |
Tests | Unit Tests | 30 |
Term | 70% | |
Final Evaluation | Summative Assessment and Examination | 30% |
Total | 100% |
Assignments, quizzes, and tests will be administered frequently throughout the duration of the course. You will be given at least 5 days notice before a quiz or test. Please see the calendar for further information.