Task #12- Speculative Narratives

I decided to record myself for this speculative narrative assignment and incorporate some ominous music to create some uneasy feelings for the listener. I chose to look at how open access free books could negatively affect us in the future and examine a future where pens and paper are forbidden and only virtual means of expressing our thoughts is allowed. I had never heard of speculative narratives before and for myself, I think it can be frightening to envision the future and what changes we can expect. With so many great technologies in the last decade, I think we have seen many great advancements, but with each of them there is also something lost. Take working from home and using online communication tools like Zoom or Skype. These tools help us keep in touch with people from work but also family we weren’t able to see during the pandemic which is wonderful, but it could also lead to being our main source of communication with people. Instead of seeing each other in person and feeding off of each other’s presence and energy, we have virtual chats that don’t quite live up to seeing someone in person. I also think of children who are connecting with friends through their video games instead of outside playing. This technology is great….but to an extent. I think for the future we have to be aware of where the line is between a tool being helpful and a tool being overused at the ultimate disadvantage of the user.

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