The “Hyperloop”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has a vision of transporting people from San Francisco to Los Angeles in just 30 minutes. The “Hyperloop” received positive feedback after running some simulated tests a few weeks ago.

The idea of the Hyperloop involves shooting passengers 800mph in a pressurized tunnel linking San Francisco and Los Angeles. However, this is far from being a reality as the Hyperloop would need years of testing to ensure that it is safe. Nonetheless the idea of the Hyperloop is very intriguing and could very well be seen in our lifetime.

Musk initially released the idea of the Hyperloop as an alternative to California’s high speed rail system which has been brought up recently. Musk suggests that the Hyperloop is a better, faster, and cheaper way of transportation. It would cost passengers $40 round trip and would cost $6 billion to make, much less than the $70 billion it would cost to produce the high speedrail system.

Although it is his idea, Musk says he isn’t really interested on working on the project as of yet due to his commitment to Tesla and SpaceX. He hopes someone else will take the idea and run with it. However, if no one does try to produce the Hyperloop, Musk may take on the challenge and develop it into a viable service himself in a couple of years.

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One thought on “The “Hyperloop”

  1. The Hyperloop though exciting is still just another train like system with a couple distinct differences it’s in a tube and it goes fast. I think the time for a system such as our BiModal Glideway which offers the same high speed travel with the ability to start a commute from home and continue to work without getting stuck in traffic or having to transfer onto a crowded city bus or commuter train, while leaving your car in a parking lot miles away from your workplace . I believe the better solution for high speed travel would be the BiModal Glideway!

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