Are the Royals costing too much?

I love the British Royals. They do great things for charity. I enjoy the fantasy of monarchy. Others think otherwise.

This blog post makes it clear that its author is against the Royals, in the sense that they received funding. The British taxpayers’ money goes towards the Head of State expenditure aka the Queen. He just speaks about the negative attributes. I’d agree they shouldn’t recieve funding if they acted indifference. But they don’t. They serve for the armed forces, support charities, and are global leaders. They create global connections with the world. We pay our government, don’t we? Their financial reports show a decrease from last year, though it still seems high.

A BBC blog post is similar, with comments about feelings towards the Monarchy. It is interesting how ranged the comments are and how heated the debate got. Some believe there is a boost in tourism. People find it wasteful and that the monarchy system is dead. Blogs like this are great for sparking debate.


Will and Kate asked  for donations to be made to charities versus wedding gifts. When they are in power, they will  modernize the Monarchy and put the taxpayer’s money to strong use.