Entrepreneurial Genius

Mark Zuckerberg, the social network god.

Social networking was already in existence before Zuckerberg entered the market, but, being innovated, made Facebook its own category rather than another website. People of all ages use Facebook, not just the tech generation. Facebook combined the best of email, myspace, and chat but also adds games, groups, events, and secure browsing.

Facebook continually changes to keep up with its users demands. Four years ago, there was no instant chat, let alone video, no ‘like’ button, no friend lists.

But why is this entrepreneurial?

a)Wealth- generated over $4 BILLION this year mainly from advertising.

b)Speed of wealth- Facebook has been popular for the past 5 years and has generated big money quickly

c)Risk- no one could have imagined how high in demand Facebook was to become. People who were risk adverse to the idea must be resentful now.

d)Innovation- social networking existed, but Facebook made it better, faster, and convienent. Most sites have their time and people move onto the next thing, but Facebook keeps innovating itself to roll with changing times to stay in for the long-run.

Entrepreneurship is a risky move but with the right innovation at the right time, wonders happen.

Canadian Air Travel

Here’s my link to Thomas’s post on Canadian flights.

Finally someone writes about this!
I 100% agree that Canadian air travel is ridiculously overpriced. Whenever we can, my family flies from Bellingham.
It’s all those extra fees that add up (Like those dozens of $1.50 UBC student fees). Ex. Airport improvement fees – really now, how much can airports keep “improving” by? Navigation fees – there’s GPS now so I’d guess that money is going elsewhere. The fees don’t make any sense to be higher in Canada if the same services are provided like any American or European flight.
It comes down to Canadian air travel being somewhat a monopoly, since Air Canada is the dominant driving, well flying force. Air Canada knows that people will pay whatever. Flights from Toronto to Vancouver are inelastic.
I would link this to my perception that tourism is not as strong in Canada due to flight costs for travellers. Trip to Vancouver or LA for half the price? No more lassiez faire attitude, the government needs to intervene. Flights in Canada have to cheapen up if they want to be a strong competitor, both in travel and tourism.