Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Oh the Kardashians. You love them, you hate them, you love to hate them. But one cannot deny that they are smart business women.

In 2010, the Kardashians earned $65 million. That looks likes pennies compared to the profits from 2011. They are smartly using their fame to succeed into new business ventures. With their reality shows, perfumes, and K-Dash clothing line already so successful, the addition of Khloe, Kim, and Kourtney’s Kardashian Kollection for Sears is estimated to rake in between $200-$300 MILLION! A smart busienss move they will be taking is expansion, to countries like the U.K. and Italy.

This business venture actually really impresses me. I just thought they were reality stars that did nothing. I recently started watching the show and when I heard about the Sears deal, I was in complete awe. The Kardashians are using their fame in a beneficial way, so that even if their show is cancelled or people forget about them, they still have other means of income.

Also they are launching an OPI nail polish line. And an expansion from clothing with the Sears brand!

Now I see why the show’s called Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Let the empire grow!


Mike “The Situation” and Abercrombie

Here’s my link to the comment to Katherine’s blog post about Mike “The Situation” and Abercrombie.


I remember you telling me about your post so I was really keen on reading it. I think it’s crazy that Abercrombie is willing to pay Mike not to wear their brand. It’s just ridiculous. Snooki crashed a Fiat, should they pay her not to drive their cars?

I agree with the saying, there’s no such thing as bad publicity in this case. Mike wearing Abercrombie makes the brand even more known, his personality does not take away from their “image” they claim to uphold. Don’t most of their ads just have guys and their abs as the focus? Mike has got great abs; in a sense he’s the perfect model for them.

But in all seriousness, I would consider this a form of censorship. As a competitor, I would come in and offer Mike an endorsement. Customers would see this venture and start buying my brand, while Abercrombie’s profits continue to plummet. It makes Abercrombie look pretentious. If they are aiming for the elite teens, then it’s not Mike’s image destroying their image but their own marketing. I’m not elite, I wear Abercrombie. I think they just want attention on their brand by stirring in Mike.

Privatize Canada Post

This past summer, we saw the strike of Canada Post. It spread nationwide until the federal government passed legislation forcing the postal workers to return to work. Reading the Fraser Forum, a magazine published by the Fraser Institute, an article believes it would be at the best interest of Canadians to privatize Canada Post. They have researched and conclude that privatizing would open up all postal services to competition. Evidence shows that private forms usually outdo their public sector counterparts. A real world example from New Zealand, proves an increase of profit, speedy delivery, and increase on time delivery. Univeristy of Toronto professor, Edward Iacobucci, and his colleagues conclude that efficiency gains and improvements in service quality.The rest of the article explains other reasons why privatizing is a good idea.

The article is very persuasive but the idea to privatize seems too good to be real. There must be some negative side effects. I think a lot of money would go into privatizing, which could be spent else where, and also their would be cuts in workers. Though privatization may be beneficial to consumers, the people behind Canada Post would suffer.

Are the Royals costing too much?

I love the British Royals. They do great things for charity. I enjoy the fantasy of monarchy. Others think otherwise.

This blog post makes it clear that its author is against the Royals, in the sense that they received funding. The British taxpayers’ money goes towards the Head of State expenditure aka the Queen. He just speaks about the negative attributes. I’d agree they shouldn’t recieve funding if they acted indifference. But they don’t. They serve for the armed forces, support charities, and are global leaders. They create global connections with the world. We pay our government, don’t we? Their financial reports show a decrease from last year, though it still seems high.

A BBC blog post is similar, with comments about feelings towards the Monarchy. It is interesting how ranged the comments are and how heated the debate got. Some believe there is a boost in tourism. People find it wasteful and that the monarchy system is dead. Blogs like this are great for sparking debate.


Will and Kate asked  for donations to be made to charities versus wedding gifts. When they are in power, they will  modernize the Monarchy and put the taxpayer’s money to strong use.