BC’s Natural Gas Bonanza

Natural gas is a form of fossil fuel that is located in deep underground rocks and is a source of energy formed from layers of buried plants.  The energy obtained from the sun is absorbed by the plants and stored in the form of carbon. News reports from the government of British Columbia have shown that the province’s natural gas reserves are double the previous approximations. It is estimated that BC has 2,933 trillion cubic feet worth of natural gas, which is enough to support both development and exportation operations for the next 150 years. As a result, British Columbia will be able to take advantage of the natural resources to improve its economic and industrial state. In the business world, however, the possession of natural gas can have both positive and negative effects. According to statistics, Encana Corp “is cutting 800 jobs” in order to “[refocus] its resources”. On the other hand, reports say that the natural gas possession would add as much as $1 trillion to the province’s GDP by 2046 and result in 100,000 new jobs.




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