Blog 2.2

A Sense of Home

A sense of home…


is a feeling that one gets when there is a complete sentiment of comfort, where one’s barriers have been brought down, and where one’s true nature can come about so easily. A sense ofhome is where a person can connect to themselves, and where the surrounding people bring love, and a sense of security. If there are all the vital needs provided, such as shelter, warmth, food, water and love, a sense of home develops. A sense of home arises when relaxation is attainable, with little to no urgencies to attend to,

The immediate people in a living environment can directly affect the way in which one can feel a sense of home. For instance, in a place of living, qualities of being respectful, nurturing, and sympathetic can influence how one can identify with comfort, and security. Positive traits in people, within a home, impacts the relationship towards a place of living. A sense of being wanted and welcomed to a place of living also determines a sense of home. A great indication of a home is when one can walk into a place while being received with open arms – a feeling of being greeted and welcomed, a driving factor for being wanted.

A home can be created anywhere, and their consistencies are so versatile. Not one home is the same, and they can be catered to suit the needs and customs of the residers.

Not all homes are confined in one place, either; homes can be in many places at a time, in several places around the world. It all depends how one creates a relationship with a place, the people, an how they associate their definition of home to a particular place. Home does not have to be where one was born, or where one grew up, it can be a place that had been adopted, and created as a home.

Home happens when sense of familiarity arises. A recognition towards spacial dimensions of a place can bring about comfort, such as the understanding of how to navigate in a place with ease, and finding a way around without distress or confusion.
My father always told me and my siblings “You are always welcome home, there will always be a place to come to at the end of the day, there will always be a place you can come to, and just be, you can always count on that. When ever you need, come home.

Even now that I am as a young adult, and have moved a cross the country, whenever I go to Vancouver to visit the place which I call home, my father’s words always resonate with me. To know there will always be a place for me to fall back on in times of despair, creates a sense of home for me, a feeling of security, love and comfort.

What creates a sense of home for you?

-Arianne LaBoissonniere

Works Cited

1) Garofalo, Karen and Mike. Home. The Spirit of Gardening. 31 Dec 2010. Web. 4 June 2015. <>

2) Houses Around The World. Haga Library Inc. Web. 4 June 2015.<>

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