Paris Peasant by Louis Aragon

Before I read this week, I decided to watch the lecture before reading rather than afterward like I did last week. It really helped me to grasp at themes to expect while reading. I really kept in mind Professor Jon’s question of “how does Aragon view or depict the passage of time? What sense of time does the book present?”. I found the book quite challenging to follow allow as it is described in the lecture as “a novel-that-was-not-a-novel” which I found as an intriguing approach since I’m used to reading books that consist of the plotline, characters sort of structure. But having thought of the professor’s questions while reading, made me analyze why the author chose to do it like this. If I didn’t watch the lecture beforehand, I probably would have been more confused than ever. I’m not exactly sure how the time passes if it’s going by day or by hours. I think the book’s passage of time goes fast and scrambled to show the reality of everyday life. The daily routine of our lives doesn’t always go from one scene to the next. I’m curious how the narrator has so much detail to describe what he saw considering it seemed quite quick.

I did not expect to read the narrator to talk so much about his interests in blonds. The part that caught me off guard was on page 41. “But who can this sponge be?” (Pg. 41). This quote stood out to me as it confused me, as well as reminded me of people who referred to individuals who only marry for money like a sponge. The part that confused me was the name “Nana”, I had to search it up if that was an actual name since the narrator was romanticizing her movements. It is common for that to be used to call your grandmother, but I have never heard it as a name. Following back to the sponge comment, does have the same meaning as what I thought? Because it seems quite harsh compared to the narrator describing “[h]er walk was like laughter…” (pg.41).

I also remembered from the first lecture how Professor Jon mentioned there is an importance of drinks in some of the books. So, when I read page 77, I had a feeling to reread, however, I’m not exactly sure what the significance is of Certa’s port is. Which leads me to question what exactly the meaning of the drink is?

Combray by Marcel Proust

I find reading digitally really challenging sometimes and tend to read but not actually absorb all the themes the narrator is trying to convey. I kept that in mind as I started to read this, I put away all other distractions and just read which was a really nice change. I found the beginning a little confusing to keep track of what’s happening, although, I found this read really kept me engaged. I was intrigued by the narrator’s detail reflecting upon their memories considering sometimes memories lose detail over time. Maybe that was purposeful of the author to showcase the significance of these moments? The part that clicked for me was on page nine when the narrator said “generally I would not try to go back to sleep right away; I would spend the greater part of the night remembering our life in the old days, in Combray at my great-aunt’s house…” (pg.9). I think this part clicked because this is where the setting switches to the narrator living in his memories with his family, while before that it was briefly mentioned such as on-page six, “immediately, I would say to myself: ‘Why, I went to sleep in the end even though Mama didn’t come to say goodnight to me’…” (pg.6). Now, rereading the part after completing the whole thing, I understand the importance of this memory highlighting the relationship between the narrator and his Mama.

Throughout this read, the theme of relationships really stood out to me. Of course, the narrator and his mother and father, but also the grandmother and her sister really stood out to me. This relationship stood out to me due to the great-aunt interfering with her sister’s marriage by intentionally trying to make her frustrated by giving the husband liqueurs. It also stood out to me how the author detailed the grandmother’s reaction to smiling to conceal her emotions. Now, the relationship between the son and his mother showcased emotional attachment to their ritual of a goodnight kiss. I found the passage where the narrator is told by his mom to not get caught still awake by his father really shocking. I wasn’t expecting the father to react calmly and argue that he was more worried about his son being upset/anxious rather than worrying about this as a habit like his mother did.

I was also intrigued by the passage about the garden. Is there a correlation between why the father would send his son to read in his room when it rained too much and the father’s interest in the weather? The grandmother on the other hand argued that “especially that boy, who so needs to build up his endurance and willpower” (pg.11) leads me to wonder why the father didn’t believe the same position considering the novel was written in the early 1900s.



Hello everyone!

My name is Arielle and I am a second-year student, majoring in psychology and either minoring in sociology or anthropology. I am from Vancouver, BC and I love Vancouver but I really miss traveling, especially to tropical places.

Honestly, I took this course to fulfill the literature requirement but I chose this one out of all the options because it sparked my interest to learn something totally different from my other courses. I originally was going to take grsj lit since it had similar themes to my major and maybe I still will, but I’m quite excited for this course this semester! I look forward to reading these novels and I expect to be challenged to understand these new concepts compare to my typical genre of books. I am intrigued by this course’s assessment system as I find it very overwhelming and motivating.

After watching the first lecture, I am very intrigued with the material especially after learning that “the Romance World has no territory”. I was shocked. As I thought the exact answer professor Jon said was incorrect. I totally thought it was going to be somewhere located within Europe. It didn’t even cross my mind of other locations such as Africa. I am also looking forward to reading the novels to see the comparison between female and male authors or any other disparities. I’m curious to see if there will be a drastic difference. I’m excited for this semester to learn more!

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