This blog is as a response to Whelam Liam article on Arc Initiative.
ARC Initiative class, was my reflection moment on how simple business tools can be used to create positive and long lasting impact on communities.
While I was watching clip videos from ARC participants in Ethiopia, South Africa and Columbia , I came to realize something. What most entrepreneurs in emerging economies need is not a savior neither a source of “oxygen” (cash), but instead, someone who will believe in their dreams, strengthen them, and mentor them in the right path.
During Thursday lecture, when I was seeing how much these entrepreneurs are seeking to develop their communities and the opportunities they have of doing it, I started to think about the whole concept of capitalism and wondered if the future of world market wouldn’t finally lay among the hands of shared value. Well… time will tell.
Among the 20 classes I have had of commerce, the Thursday lecture was by far the one that had a great impact on me. Learning business and seeing it actually impacting communities, was my “wow moment!. I hope that one day I will have the chance of being among the Sauder students that will complete the ARC circle somewhere in the world.