Twitter To Go Public

After filing for it’s long anticipated IPO, twitter is looking to raise $1 billion in this initial offering. Twitter have not set a fixed date as of yet, nor have they fixed a price for their shares. But after recent valuation of the shares at $20.62, it will turn some of their shareholders and founders into millionaires and billionaires when it debuts on the market.
Twitter will be offering up 472,613,753 shares of stock it’s initial release. It currently has 218.3 million monthly active users and the same users have created over 300 billion tweets. 200 billion tweets per day was the amount stated by twitter and 75% of those users access it from their mobile phones. An interesting contrast is that Facebook had no mobile revenues at all when it filed for IPO.
Although twitters’ IPO is not valued as highly as Facebook’s was but it has been a hotly anticipated event for some months now.

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