McDonald’s New Marketing Strategy

McDonald’s is one of many large corporations that is refocusing its marketing strategy. The company is altering its marketing objective by expanding its target market. McDonald’s is renovating majority of its locations and making them more aesthetically pleasing. For example, most McDonald’s have nicer, more comfortable seats and are trying to create more of a “sit-down” atmosphere.

Furthermore, the company has expanded its menu. McDonald’s still offers the traditional cheeseburger and other signature burgers; however, now has healthier option such as salads and grilled burgers. When I was a child and my parents took my brothers and me to McDonald’s but never ate due to limited choice. With the new menu, health conscious parents and children have more selection and can enjoy the product McDonald’s has to offer. The company now offers various breakfast and snack items such as their fruit smoothies and yogurt parfaits. Furthermore, McDonald’s is also growing their desert selection and now offer sundaes and Mc Flurry’s in various different flavours. These deserts are nicely complemented by the numerous hot beverages the restaurant offers.

This new strategy is and will work well for McDonald’s as they are adding to their target market as opposed to changing it. The restaurant still offers unhealthy foods in timely matter; however, is also adopting to a more casual, sit down place for families to come and eat.

Overall, I think this new concept will work well for the company and more customers will eat at the restaurant. The above will inevitably generate more business and yield more profit for the McDonald’s.

Below are some resources that explain McDonald’s strategy as well as reinforce some of the information stated above.

A Little About Myself-Blog Assignment #1

Hi Commerce 296, Section 104,

My name is Arman Panjwani and I am second year transfer student from the University of Western Ontario. Although this course is mandatory, I find some aspects of marketing very interesting and am excited to be enrolled in this class.

I don’t have much direct marketing experience; however, I am a Pro-shop Attendant at Westwood Plateau Golf and Country Club. Some of my job requirements are to successfully endorse promotions as well as to try sell various goods to customers.

Although there are many effective advertisements, some that I find particular interesting are those between Audi and BMW. In the numerous advertisements, the two companies are constantly competing and trying to get one up on the other. See links below for clips. This video shows each of the company’s billboard advertisements in Santa Monica. As you can see, BMW did an excellent job of responding to Audi’s initial billboard. This video is a clip on European television. Once again, Audi attempts to illustrate that its product is superior to BMW’s.

I would like to consider myself to be interesting. Some hobbies I enjoy are playing hockey and golf. Not only do I play these sports for leisure, but I also participate in various tournaments throughout the respective seasons. One of the reasons I like sports is that I find it a great way to stay active and meet new people. Furthermore, I enjoy investing and trading in the stock market.

I hope you have learned a little about myself as well as some of my interests. I look forward to getting to know all of you throughout the semester.