Comment on Ben Lee’s Blog – “Blog #4 BlackBerry to launch Porsche-designed luxury phone”

I don’t agree with Ben’s thoughts regarding why BlackBerry has been losing it’s market share and profit since 2010 and that BlackBerry has made a mistake when it launched the new Porsche Design smartphone.



Firstly, the company has started to lose it’s market share not because Apple released iPhone ( in fact, it was released in 2007), but because it didn’t suggest new technologies to their customers while Samsung, Apple, LG and other android providers were creating new very powerful smartphones. Unfortunately, BlackBerry understood it’s problem only a year ago when it decided to produce smartphones with attractive designs and powerful hardware.

Secondly, BlackBerry has been successfully co-operating with Porsche Design since they launched the first luxurious phone. Even though BlackBarry is not a luxurious brand and it’s products are quite affordable, it makes a good profit on these phones. In fact, BlackBerry is only a provider of smartphones, Porsche Design sells them in there stores all around the world and on the Internet.


Therefore, BlackBerry has a good strategy that allows it to make profit without big risks, advertize it’s brand more efficiently and target a new segment of luxurious phones.


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