Battle of the Smartphone Brands: Marketing.

 I have been reading with interest Bryan Tenenhouse’s blog called “Battle of the Smartphone Brands: An Apple Loyalist Throws Down the Gauntlet” because it is a great example of customer loyalty. He claims so emotionally that Apple is the best company and he will never even try something else. In order to support his point of view Bryan uses results of a survey that shows Apple customer loyalty is higher than Android’s one. Moreover, the blogger uses some “dirty” techniques to emphasize that competitors of Apple are shitty.

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Even though I disagree with his reflections, I would like to agree that Apple has a great marketing company. It has not been very innovative for past 2 – 3 years, but it’s sales always beat records. Definitely, the reason for that is tremendously good marketing. Marketers perfectly know customers and their needs. Because of a quite broad, but not deep line of products, they can focus straightly on the targeting market.


Nevertheless, I suppose that if Apple will not suggest something really innovative in next 1 or 2 years, it may lose a lot of customers since we are living in the advance technology world where everything changes so fast.


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