Political Science Discussions

Thoughts of Arwant Kang

Category: Uncategorized

“Terrorist” or a Criminal Act?

On the morning of Wednesday, October 22nd, the entire world set its eyes on the Canadian parliament attack. The story made headlines throughout the whole world and this was being seen as a terrorist attack on Canada. However, was it really a terrorist attack? According to my opinion, No. An individual by the name of […]

Movie Review: “The Shadow Colony”

The film “Shadow Company” attempts to highlight the complexities and the underlying factors of Private Military Companies (PMC’s). PMC’s function as additional but private forces that get hired to work for various wars. Employees (in this case mercenaries) are hired by these corporations just as they would for any other job. Resume’s and interviews help […]

Hong Kong’s Fight for Democracy

After looking at all of the student led protests taking place in the streets of Hong Kong, I feel that it is time that Hong Kong was granted democracy. In 1997, Hong Kong was “returned” back to China after being under the rule and supervision of Britain for 150 years. For all this time, Beijing […]

The Question of Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women

As per the stance of the New Democrat Party (NDP) and its leader, Thomas Mulcair, there should in fact be a national inquiry looking into the cases of murdered and missing aboriginal women. Aboriginal women being a minority have been marginalized by various stereotypes and by the various governments/politicians at large. Now this is a big […]

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Implications of Scotland Becoming an Independent State

If Scotland became its separate independent nation after the referendum, the effects of this transition would be highly detrimental to Scotland in an economic sense. Scotland and the United Kingdom have been united for over 300 years. Over the course of these 300 years, Scottish separatists have always been campaigning for a separate and independent […]

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