Garuda Indonesia Expansion. Calculated Risk or Simply Wrong ?

Amidst the global economic downturn, there seems to be no consolation for companies. Plummeting share prices, deepening debt and increasingly dependent workers are one of the main reasons that companies are declaring themselves bankrupt.  There seems to be an industry that hasn’t been affected that significantly by the global recession. That industry is Transportation and Logistics.

People depend on these services to whisk them away to some far off place in hours. Just like a company needs their supplier send them raw goods to be processed.  There is a understanding that without transportation, we wouldn’t be able to survive.

Garuda Indonesia is an Indonesian based Airline with 28,6 % of the domestic market share. Compared to it’s competitors, Garuda Indonesia has the highest growth with up to 10% difference.  Garuda Indonesia has also undergone specific refurbishments as to accommodate the ever growing demand for air travel.

The newest expansion is the re-opening of US and European markets.  After a string of crashes back in 2007, Garuda Indonesia was blacklisted by the EU and that hit the blow with the airline.  In 2009, after deliberations from the EU, Garuda was taken off the black list. And in 2010, Garuda launched it’s first maiden flight–after the hiatus–back to Amsterdam.

The question remains if the expansion that Garuda Indonesia is conducting viable in the long run or will it cause Garuda to go back into recession. Whatever the answer, Garuda is a testament that an airline–or company–can be at the top of their game if they have a sound business plan and by actually sticking up to those plans.

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