
Sustainability. It’s a frequently used  term by most media outlets, environmental organizations, governments and businesses alike. But what does it mean ? Some words may be diluted in their meaning so as to cater to the public, thereby reducing the message contained in it.

Simply put, sustainability or to sustain is (according to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary) a method or process to harvest a resource so as not to inflict permanent damage and permanent depletion. One could argue that sustainability cannot be directed only to the process of getting the resource, but how we, as humans on this earth, use dwindling resources carefully and prolong the existence of such resources for our children.

So, by using this terminology, we can make statements that:

– Humans on the earth contribute to the damage and depletion of natural resources

– If this trend continues, we will have no more resources and spiral into an ecological disaster

-Businesses and Governments alike must align their businesses and operating procedures in a sustainable manner

Often, the path to buying local and being sustainable is very hard. Considering all the costs of producing locally sourced goods tend to have higher prices than store bought goods. In response to that, however,  think of how much emissions will be reduced if we buy local, or switch to vegetarian foods, which require less land to graze cattle and raise corn for the feed of the cattle itself.

It will be a better, more sound decision.


Water has become a highly precious resource. There are some places where a barrel of water costs more than a barrel of oil.

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