Practicum Observations

I have had a lot of opportunities to reflect on my inquiry question: How can technology enhance formative assessment? I have been involved in a number of Fresh Grade meetings, have assisted students in uploading work to Fresh Grade, and today uploaded my own assignment to Fresh Grade. The activity that I had the students working on, About Me (photo scavenger hunt) was uploaded for parents to view on Fresh Grade. I have had a chance to think about assessment through the lens of my lesson plans. While I have not officially assessed anything my SA has encouraged me to think about how I would assess each activity and what the purpose is. For example, with my About Me activity I had to decide what I would assess for in the written portion such as grammar, COPS, or detailed sentences. I ultimately decided I wanted them to focus on detailed sentences because I felt it fit best with the overall Big Idea. Today, when I watched the students orally present the About Me I wrote down comments based on the I Can statements I had written on the board. The day before I made comments on the written aspect. Tomorrow I will have the students do a self-reflection on three key components of the assignment: group work, sentence writing, and oral presentations. I continue to be interested in the self-reflection piece and quality over quantity when it comes to assessment. I have not fully formulated my inquiry question but I am observing lots of helpful things and having interesting conversations with my SA when it comes to assessment.I am also considering the difference between quantity vs. quality.

One comment

  1. It certainly sounds like you are involved in some ‘official’ assessment Amanda. Excellent early work! NB: pls remove your SAs name from your post to protect privacy of the school/students. Thx.

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