Living Inquiry

This past week I had the opportunity to engage with other teacher candidates around the topic of assessment. This discussion centered around the importance of understanding assessment and having varied ways of assessment. The topic of assessment is a broad topic and it was discussed what formative assessment could look like in the classroom. Edmodo was discussed as a tool for assessment particularly as an alternative to Fresh Grade. We examined a teacher candidate’s child’s Fresh Grade page and discussed the various uses for Fresh Grade. We discussed how Fresh Grade can be as intensive or simple as the teacher makes it. Ultimately Fresh Grade is meant to be a reporting system, however, not all teachers are comfortable with it.  I encouraged those who were not using Fresh Grade to create their own teacher and student page to try Fresh Grade out. I have been exploring Fresh Grade as a classroom teacher and on my own. I have found that Fresh Grade can be useful place for students to self-reflect which is an important part of formative assessment. We discussed how Fresh Grade is changing the reporting system for teachers, students and parents. A CNN article discusses how Fresh Grade is changing the reporting system. One of the creators of Fresh Grade Lane Merrifield decided to launch Fresh Grade after a mistake was made on his son’s report card. He states the purpose of Fresh Grade saying, “This isn’t about posting random things but really documenting each student’s learning moments (2015).” We discussed at the living inquiry event the importance of meaningful assessment and Fresh Grade is one platform that can help make assessment meaningful by documenting the learning process.  If used properly Fresh Grade can help increase student success. In the CNN article superintendent Wanny Hersey states, “It’s an opportunity for parents to understand throughout the year how their kids are learning. We can capture and show them if their child is more confident, is developing leadership skills, or has overcome a specific challenge (2015).” As teachers assess students throughout their learning journey Fresh Grade can help to document more than just the academic learning. Fresh Grade allows teachers and students to show important learning opportunities such as working in a group, being a good friend, or doing hands on learning.

Kavilanz, P. (2015, September 24). Why teachers are ditching report cards. CNN Online. Retrieved from

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