Changing the Face of Education through Technology

This article focuses on using technology to enhance personalized learning and assessment. According to the article technology will change how we organize our schools, what the role of the teacher is and how we assess. Education will not change by simply implementing technology. West states: “By itself, technology will not remake education. Meaningful change requires alterations in technology, organizational structure, instructional approach, and educational assessment. But if officials combine innovations in technology, organization, operations, and culture, they can overcome current barriers, produce better results, and reimagine the manner in which schools function (2011, p. 1).” When technology is implemented in a meaningful way through changing the structure of the classroom then personalized learning and assessment can be more meaningful. Technology creates opportunities for meaningful, nuanced, multi-faceted assessment (West, 2011). One way to integrate formative assessment into the classroom is through electronic clickers. This article discovered that the use of electronic clickers have proven to increase test scores. The clickers help to provide instantaneous feedback which is an important aspect of formative assessment. Technology can help transform the assessment process and improve learning and drive educational change (West, 2011). Technology gives teachers the opportunity to assess every part of the learning process. West states: “With digital technology, learning can be personalized to the individual and performance evaluated in real time (2011, p. 13).” By using technology for instantaneous feedback, teachers and students can discover which aspects of learning they are struggling with and which aspects they do well. The ability to assess various aspects of learning can also help students and teachers to push their learning forward in more focused ways.

West, D. M. (2011, October 6). Using Technology to Personalize Learning and Assess Students in Real-Time. Retrieved from

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