Google the New Big Brother???

People always have the assumption that the American Government plays a role as a Big Brother for the nation and  by doing so prevents any privacy after the Security Act which was initiated after 9/11 terrorism incident. And i would totally agree with; however, i believe that there is a bigger Big Brother that exist among us and that Big Brother is Google.

Why Google? Based on the facts from 2012, there was about 5,134,000,000 searches in Google that ranges to any form of questions, answer and  much more globally. This is  a staggering number that show how much the world has advanced and uses the world wide web as a source of information. What worries me is that, Google has the capability of tracking each person who uses the search engine and in addition to that, one of its most installed apps in the android market has the capacity to know where a person lives and his whereabouts when he or she uses the app.

With all these information Google could do much damage to society if it wants to; however. the more practical thing that it would do is  to reap profits from its consumers. How can they do this? Since Google has the information of what the consumers search for, it could track down this information and sell it to companies that are related to it and gain profits from it. The company could either email the consumers or directly send them mails regarding their promotions. Selling such information is possible although it is illegal.

Besides that, Google could also figure out the trends of the people who uses its search engines and buy out companies or even make companies to produce goods that follows the trends. This is of course hypothetical and would cost immense start up cost but could happen in the future. It seems that there is a new Big Brother among us and he is here not to control us but to benefit from us economically.