Marketable Social Media

Social media has been one of the key striking feature in the past decade. Since its inception it has blown out of proportion and has users from all over the world. The two notable social media mediums or company currently on the virtual world or the world wide web are Facebook and Twitter. When it was in its introductory phase, Facebook or at that time known as The Facebook, was a small virtual space where friends can get connected and share ideas among them. Few years from the inception of Facebook, it currently has 500 million users and is growing every day with people around the world using it as a means of getting connected with their friends and family. With the huge amount of users Facebook has also indirectly become on of the largest marketable medium and has huge potential earning. This huge potential earning has caused its Initial Public Offering (IPO) to skyrocket and made it a very attractive to investors.

Companies could use Facebook as a mean of marketing their good and figuring out how their goods are perceived by the public. For example, an act as simple as press the thumbs up button if you like this new design of handbags by a known brand in its web page could save the company its resources, estimate a rough demand for the handbag, increase its efficiency and even receive valuable comments about the design of the handbag and how to improve it. The company could then redesign it or sell it in the market if it sees that there are  enough potential consumers for the handbag. In addition to that, people who share the design in their home page will allow their friends to see the design of the handbag and if it is to their liking they will like it as well. Small companies could save a lot money as they would not have to pay for marketers to survey the demographics through interview and scrap designs that are not attractive to the potential consumers.

The marketability of Social media sites have much more potential and since Facebook, Twitter and other sites are still in the growing phase its true potential is unknown and could be much more profitable for the social media sites, its investors, other companies and the consumers.

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