A New Introduction in Presenting

For me the video marketing assignment took me by surprise at first glance as I thought that it would take a lot of work and coordination among the team member to create a decent video. In addition, I would have to come out from my comfort zone in this case doing a slide presentation which I find troublesome. Sure enough creating this video was destined to be a challenge because creativity differs from one individual to another and although we might share a same opinion on the points that we will elaborate on, discussing the design and how the video would look like took a lot of meetings and time.

I believe that the video assignment was a useful way for us integrate and use the new technologies that are available today. It managed to help us to learn on creating videos using simple software and create effects that mimics to those that have had a professional touch to it. However, as I have mention it takes too much more effort than one would use for a traditional presentation and brought the team moral down and also started some conflicts due to the separation of the work among the team member. The iPeer is a great way of figuring out others opinion about how participative you were and how much you contributed but without actually seeing what you did, it would be tough to judge them. This is why we managed to incorporated all of our team member in the video.

It took some time and a lot of editing but we believe that it is the best way we could show the lecturer that all of us contributed. Overall, the assignment was fun and a fresh way of making us think more creatively and would certainly get my vote as the most interesting thing that we did in the class this semester; however, there should be a specific guidelines on how members should distribute their work and showing it on the video to make it easier for the students in creating the video.